Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What Has Become of Street?

New York, 1895

At the request of Mrs. James G. McKenna, of Flushing, a general police alarm was sent out on Friday in connection with the disappearance of Mrs. McKenna's brother, John J. Street, who disappeared last June. Mr. Street was 54 years old.

On the day of his disappearance he said he was going to New York. He did not return that day, but sent a letter stating that he would be home the next morning. That was the last seen or heard of him by his friends. His brother and sister have been searching for him ever since, because their father's estate, which is large, cannot be settled without his presence or proof of his death.

Babylon's Old Cemetery Abandoned

The old cemetery in Babylon, having a history dating back beyond Revolutionary days, will soon be a thing of the past. The graveyard, which has been in existence for 200 years, is to be converted into building lots.

"A Thing of Beauty

is a joy forever." Our lawn grass seed has a reputation; it is known to be the very best; we do not ask you to believe this simply because we say so but can prove our assertions by showing you lawns which have been sown with our seed. It is clean, free from weeds and coarse grass, and has a good mixture of white clover. We make a specialty of preparing, sowing, renovating and caring for lawns. J. B. Cooper, 70 Fulton Street. [1895 advertisement]

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 2.

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