Friday, May 30, 2008

Found Dead in a Hut

New York, 1895

Lizzie Quinn, aged 28 years, was found dead in a hut in which she lived near Cypress avenue, Newtown, on Sunday evening by Coroner Haslam. When the woman first appeared in the village she presented quite an attractive appearance. Dissipation, however, began to have its effects and she contracted consumption. She had not been seen for several days.

Found Her Husband Dead

Rabe M. Fox, a glove maker of Hempstead, was found dead by his wife at his residence near Hempstead Monday night. Mr. Fox was apparently in the best of health ten minutes before his sudden demise.

Will Get Fifty Thousand Dollars

By the settlement of the estate of the late Jacob Travis of New York, the heirs of the late Mrs. John Campbell of Glen Cove will receive about $50,000. Mrs. Campbell was one of the direct heirs to the estate, which was estimated to be worth about $600,000.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 1, 1895, p. 1.

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