Thursday, August 14, 2008

His Neck Broken by a Trolley.

New York, 1895

W. B. Skinner, of New York, was killed Sunday afternoon in Long Island City by a car of the Steinway electric road. The car was bound for Calvary Cemetery, and was about to stop for passengers on Front street, near Borden avenue. A crowd of people had just crossed Thirty-fourth street ferry, and most of them were waiting at that point for a cemetery car. Mr. Skinner, it is said, attempted to jump upon the car before it had come to a standstill, to make sure of getting a seat. The car was pulling another car, or trailer. Mr. Skinner fell, or was forced by the pressure of the crowd, off the forward car under the wheels of the trailer. His neck and arm were broken.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 14, 1895, p. 4.

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