Sunday, June 29, 2008

William Bowne's Sudden Death

New York, 1895

William Bowne dropped dead in his barn at Ireland Mill on Sunday. He was one of six Bowne Brothers. Ireland Mill has been in the possession of the family since revolutionary times. It is situated near the head of the Vleigh. The deceased was recovering from the grip and left the house to explain the symptoms of a sick cow to Veterinary Surgeon Simmons. His sudden death is attributed to heart disease.

Runaway Accident at Hempstead

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rosenthall of Hempstead were hurt in a runaway accident Sunday afternoon. While driving through Main street and nearly opposite their residence, the horse took fright and ran away. They were thrown to the ground with great violence. When picked up, Mrs. Rosenthall was found to have a broken leg and serious internal injuries. Mr. Rosenthall was severely bruised.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 12, 1895, p. 1.

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